Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just Listen tHink1

                                                            JUST LISTEN!!!
How many times have we heard these words in our live? Well most of the average teenager would say always becuase if we dont hear it at school we hear it in our houses, and if it's not here then its when were talking with with our friends, but sometimes we just get tierd of hearing it that we just go off on who ever says that but then we feel bad. But have you actually stopped and think that they might have a reason for telling you to just listen for once in your life cause they have something important to tell you but just walk out or tell them to tell you later and then later become a week and a week become a month on so on. So for once nomatter what your doing just stop and listen to the person that is trying to comunicate with them. Cause they might need something or might feel bad or just need some one to talk to.
The book im reading is called Just Listen by Sarah Dessen and it abouts girl named Annabel who lost one of her best friend in the summer
friend Sophie because she thought that Annabel was trying to sleep with her friend when he actually try to rape her but sophie didnt know that
she also has an a sister that is anorexic and then she meet a boy named Owen and with week pass the become friends then they go out but all of the sudden
Annabel leaves with out telling him "why" and he get mads. But I dont want to spoil the book for y'all so youhave to read the book to see if Annabel become friends with her old friend again and if her Owen gets back together. Like I said you just have to stop and listen becausein the book Sophie didnt let Annabel explain about what had happen with her boyfriend because she dicided to listen to her boyfriend instead of
So when ever someone is trying to talk to you just stop what your doing and just stop and Just Listen for once you never know what they are gonna say.